What is the Quick Inner Reset Process?
What is the Quick Inner Reset Process?
The Quick Inner Reset Process is a series of strategies based on neuroscience to help you bring yourself back to a calm, focused state very quickly.
Class participants are guided to choose their own reset elements, so everyone ends up with a process that works individually for them.
By the end of this short class, participants can reliably shift from just about any state into a calm, focused mindset within 2-4 minutes.
Participants use it as they wish daily or hour-to-hour, depending on necessity.
With a little extra practice on their own, many participants can reset within a few seconds.
Who benefits the most?
Productivity seekers who want to quickly switch from task to task while feeling great.
Stressed-out employees who are motivated t0 drastically change how they deal with stress and worry every day.
Anyone facing burnout.
Staff who are achievement-oriented or interested in performance excellence.
Helpers who deal with difficult or distressed clients, customers, vendors, the public, or staff all day long.
About Katie Raver
Katie Raver has taught classes in attention leadership in New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Manhattan, San Francisco, London, Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, and Serbia since 2003. She worked with international neuro linguistics trainer Tom Best for a decade before opening her own training company in 2013.
She has worked with leaders in companies like Dell, Apple, Dropbox, IBM, Expedia, Exxon/Mobile and public service teams from the University of Texas, Texas Education Agency, and Austin Community College.
Her classes engage listeners with storytelling, thought experiments, analogies, and guided experiences, so they can use what they learn in class right away.