What is a Mini Date?
What is a Mini Date?It turns out that going on a whole bunch of short dates quickly taught me about myself, how to read other people online and in person, and a whole bunch of useful relationship skills that, because I hadn't dated in a while, turned out to be really useful.A Mini Date is a very short meeting with someone I had already vetted by reviewing their profile, messaging, and phone conversation. With practice, I learned that I like certain types of conversation and wanted to avoid others, so I developed questions likely to point the conversation in an interesting direction. I also learned that it is critical when dating to have a sense of abundance about future dates.Here's are the things I learned about using online dating to meet lots of new people quickly:
- Invite Adventurously
- Keep It Short
- Choose Your Conversation Topics Wisely
- Meet In A Public Place to Talk (And Listen)
- The Sense of Abundance and Dating
To be able to go on a series of Mini Dates and experience the learnings I was aiming for, I had to be able to:
- Use an online dating website to create a profile with photos and text, and interact with potential matches using the website's messaging system
- Feel comfortable meeting vetted-by-me but unknown strangers in a public place
- Review each Mini Date and find the learning in it
- Have the self confidence to make mistakes
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read more in this series:
- Introduction: What I Learned About Online Dating
- Why I Embarked On a Dating Adventure
- What is a Mini Date?
- Mini Date Lesson #1: Invite Adventurously
- Mini Date Lesson #2: Keep It Short
- Mini Date Lesson #3: Choose Your Conversation Topics Wisely
- Mini Date Lesson #4: Meet In A Public Place to Talk (And Listen)
- Mini Date Lesson #5: The Sense of Abundance and Dating
- Wrap Up