From Outcome to Trance

From Outcome to Trance:  Writing your Own Scripts for Yourself & Others

Saturday October 24th from 9:30am-5:30pm Central 

A day of learning and exploring.  Come check out all we've learned in the past 6 months about creating powerful virtual rapports with online classes.

This is not your usual webinar.

Expect to be engaged, interactive with others, with time for breaks and breakouts and lots of personal learning and insights.

Learn more and register:

In this immersive day of learning, you will:

  • Connect with new and past NLP friends and colleagues,
  • Revisit the topic of guided trance/ guided visualization,
  • Play with an easy way to create hypnotic scripts for yourself and others,
  • Experience a few different types of enjoyable trances (scripts included so you can use them on your own in the future too),
  • Experiment with your own goals while learning about helping others - clients, friends, customers, family, and more.


2020 in Review: Creating Powerful Virtual Rapport & Our New Trainers


What is Restorative Mind for Busy People?